

I’m a lifelong resident of Fairfax County and a proud product of our wonderful Fairfax County Public School (FCPS) system. I’m a second-generation graduate of FCPS who has spent the past decade serving families and building relationships countywide.

Since the beginning of my term as one of Fairfax County's At-Large School Board Members in 2019, I have fought to keep our children safe and worked to build a more just school system and society for them to thrive in. This work has been made possible by the generosity, hard work, and solidarity from our community. 

Together we can create a better education system for our children and for the future generations of Fairfax County.

Will you stand with me?


Meet Abrar Omeish


See what people in the community have to say

  • The voice of EQUITY

    "We first and last connected around this time last year when I had rising concerns of communication with families of FCPS and limited translations at that time and I cannot tell you how meaningful that connection has been as I continue to observe and benefit both professionally and personally from YOUR voice, the voice of EQUITY and of our marginalized communities, ringing in the halls of Jackson Middle School (and BBCU). The firmness in your stance MATTERS so much to our students, families, and staff and I THANK YOU for your voice in every, but especially last night’s School Board Meeting.”

    - Korean Language Immersion Teacher

  • Devotion of time & energy

    "Thank you for your devotion to our FCPS community. I am in awe of the time and energy you dedicate to your position as a School Board Member. It is clear you take your role seriously and strive to do what’s best for students and staff with each decision that comes your way. Like most jobs in education, yours is a labor of love.”

    - FCPS parent and staff member

  • Community support

    “Again I want to thank you for thinking of staff, educators, and students. Your comments make me feel valued. Thank you for your support of our community.”

    - FCPS Teacher

  • Voice of reason

    “Thank you for being a voice of reason as well as questioning everything.”

    - FCPS Parent

  • Beyond tremendous

    “What you’ve done for our community is beyond tremendous. There are so many aspects of having a job such as yours that makes my head spin. You are my advocate and you have voiced my and many others voices to those on your level. You have passion for your job that many miss out on and you use it to drive towards something amazing. I thank you so much for that. I am glad that I am able to talk with you and create change with you.”

    - FCPS Parent

  • Making this world better

    “You are making this world better for us.”

    - from FCPS Parent and Alum

  • Never losing focus

    “Thank you for all your efforts. Thank you for never losing your focus, your level-headedness, and your articulate and fearless approach to all of it.”

    - FCPS Teacher and Parent


See what other leaders have to say

Abrar is a trusted, accessible, and open-minded advocate with backing from community, local, and national leadership.

The Washington Post

The Washington

Abrar Omeish, a 2013 graduate of Fairfax schools now studying public policy at Georgetown University, has keen insights into student needs and ways to increase inclusiveness.

Secretary Atif Qarni

Virginia Secretary of Education

Secretary Atif

Virginia Secretary of

“I’m very confident when she is elected — and she will be elected — that she will take Fairfax County to an even higher level. I cannot think of a better person than Abrar Omeish.”

Fairfax Education Association

Fairfax Education

“Abrar’s energy and spark coupled with her passion for public education makes her a good choice for the School Board. Being a product of Fairfax schools and being the current co-chair of HRAC, Abrar knows our teachers. She will work hard to give them the resources they need to deliver the best education possible for every student in the county.”

Senator Tim Kaine

U.S. Senator (D-VA)

Senator Tim Kaine

U.S. Senator (D-VA)

“I am proud to endorse my friend Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. Her strong sense of integrity and proven commitment to service will serve the students, teachers, and families of Fairfax County well. I know Abrar will fight to strengthen Fairfax County Public Schools, and I encourage you to support her on November 5.”

Fairfax County Democratic Committee

Fairfax County

Chairman Sharon Bulova

Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Chairman Sharon

Fairfax County
Board of Supervisors

“I dearly hope that she is successful. I think she’ll be a star, a superstar for us in Fairfax County.”

Fairfax County Federation of Teachers

Fairfax County
Federation of

Solar on the Schools

Solar on the

“Abrar has demonstrated environmental stewardship and willingness to lead on this issue, which aligns with our mission toward sustainability and energy efficiency in Fairfax County Public Schools.”

CASA in Action

CASA in Action

"CASA in Action is proud to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. Ms. Omeish has championed for inclusive and equitable education for all students in Fairfax County. We are proud to support her so she can continue fighting for our members and all County residents."



Virginia 11

Virginia 11

“Indivisible Virginia 11 endorses Abrar E. Omeish for one of the three seats for At-Large Members on the Fairfax County Public School Board. Ms. Omeish is well poised to provide an inclusive and equitable as well as quality education for Fairfax County students.”

Run for Something

Run for Something

Congressman Don Beyer

U.S. Representative (D-VA 8)

Congressman Don

U.S. Representative (D-VA 8)

Rep. Jennifer Wexton

U.S. Representative (D-VA 10)

Rep. Jennifer

U.S. Representative (D-VA 10)

“I am proud to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. Abrar will fight hard to ensure every student in Fairfax County has access to the best education possible. Her commitment to public service, impressive work ethic and strong platform will make her a wonderful addition to the School Board.”

Congressman Jim Moran

Former U.S. Representative (D-VA 8)

Congressman Jim

Former U.S. Representative
(D-VA 8)

"[She] is an extraordinary example of what the future can be for all of us. I strongly endorse her for the School Board because she both has the perspective of the students but the maturity of the parents and administrators."

Senator Mark Warner

U.S. Senator (D-VA)

Senator Mark

U.S. Senator (D-VA)

Sen. Dick Saslaw

VA Delegate, (D-35)

Sen. Dick Saslaw

VA Delegate, (D-35)

Del. Eileen Filler-Corn

VA Delegate, (D-41)

Del. Eileen Filler-

VA Delegate, (D-41)

"I am proud to support Abrar Omeish. As a product of Fairfax County Public Schools she will bring a much-needed perspective to our school board. Her dedication to improving our schools has been present since she herself was in middle school. She represents the bright future we know our Fairfax students can achieve. I hope you will join me in voting for Abrar Omeish on November 5th."

Chairwoman Karen Corbett Sanders

School Board Chair

Karen Corbett

School Board Chair

Supervisor Jeff McKay

Lee District, Fairfax
County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Jeff McKay

Lee District, Fairfax
County Board of Supervisors

Sen. Janet Howell

VA Senator (D-32)

Sen. Janet Howell

VA Senator (D-32)

“I am proud to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. I have been thrilled to see Abrar’s dedication to mental health issues within FCPS, an issue that I have worked hard on during my time in the VA Senate. Abrar understands how critical it is to foster the social and emotional well-being of students. I cannot wait to see the work I know she will be able to accomplish on the school board.”

Supervisor John Foust

Dranesville District, Fairfax
County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor John

Dranseville District, Fairfax
County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Dalia Palchik

Providence District, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Dalia

Providence District, Fairfax
County Board of Supervisors

“I was proud to appoint Abrar Omeish to a School Board advisory committee, and enthusiastically endorse her for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. I know that she will do an outstanding job representing our community, protecting our environment, and ensuring the health and wellness of our students. We need a progressive champion like Abrar on the School Board.”

Del. Kathleen Murphy

VA Delegate, (D-34)

Del. Kathleen

VA Delegate, (D-34)

Supervisor Kathy Smith

Sully District, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Kathy

Sully District, Fairfax County
Board of Supervisors

“I support Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large because I know that Abrar will fight for every single child, regardless of their background, race, or gender.”

Del. Ken Plum

VA Delegate, (D-36)

Del. Ken Plum

VA Delegate, (D-36)

“I am happy to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board. As a former teacher within Fairfax County Public Schools myself, I know that Abrar will be an amazing advocate for the teachers and students of FCPS. Her tenacity and dedication are inspiring and I look forward to seeing the work she accomplishes on the school board.”

Del. Kathy Tran

VA Delegate, (D-42)

Del. Kathy Tran

VA Delegate, (D-42)

"I am so happy to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. It is inspiring to see Abrar’s work in engaging communities who have otherwise not been engaged. She strives to elevate the voices of underserved and underrepresented communities. I cannot wait to see the work Abrar is able to do on the School Board to represent all of Fairfax County."

Supervisor Penny Gross

Mason District, Fairfax County Board of Supervisors

Supervisor Penny

Mason District, Fairfax
County Board of Supervisors

"Abrar connects with students; she connects with parents; and she connects with teachers. Abrar Omeish will be a terrific asset to the Fairfax County School Board and to our community."

Del. Mark Keam

VA Delegate, (D-35)

Del. Mark Keam

VA Delegate, (D-35)

"I have known Abrar Omeish and her family for many years and know her to be a thoughtful, compassionate, and engaged advocate for students. I’m happy to support Abrar for Fairfax County School Board At-Large representative because we need her vision, plans, and energy to fight for every child and to keep our public schools the best in our nation."

Sen. Scott Surovell

VA Senator, (D-36)

Sen. Scott Surovell

VA Senator, (D-36)

Del. Alfonso Lopez

VA Delegate, (D-49)

Del. Alfonso Lopez

VA Delegate, (D-49)

“As a product of the Fairfax County Public School system, I’m proud to endorse FCPS graduate and lifelong Fairfax resident Abrar Omeis for the Fairfax County School Board! Abrar understands the importance of fighting for an equitable education for every child and improving access to mental health resources in our schools. She is committed to putting students and teachers at the forefront of her campaign and I look forward to working with her after she wins on November 5th!”

Del. Karrie Delaney

VA Delegate, (D-67)

Del. Karrie

VA Delegate, (D-67)

“I am proud to endorse Abrar Omeish for School Board. Abrar has proven to be a dedicated leader and advocate for our students. Abrar will bring a fresh and needed perspective to the School Board and will help us in progressing Fairfax forward.”

Del. Ibraheem Samirah

VA Delegate, (D-89)

Del. Ibraheem

VA Delegate, (D-89)

"Abrar is a proven community leader whose honest and pragmatic approach to engaging students in every aspect of her public life will bring real change to our schools’ policies to help both it’s students and families. Coming from a family that is devoted to serving all in need of help, combined with being a recent graduate form Fairfax County Public Schools, Abrar is experienced in building an inclusive and equitable public school system that provides every student with a quality education. Her passion and leadership are needed now more than ever, and I am proud to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board."

Del. Marcus Simon

VA Delegate, (D-53)

Del. Marcus Simon

VA Delegate, (D-53)

"I am happy to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. Abrar is committed to finding the potential in every child, and ensuring they have the resources and opportunities they need to achieve it. We need Abrar’s dedication and enthusiasm on the school board, to fight for the leader in every child."

Rodney Lusk

Candidate for Lee District Supervisor, Fairfax County

Rodney Lusk

Candidate for Lee District
Supervisor, Fairfax County

"I am proud to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board At-Large. Abrar’s advocacy work through co-founding GIVE and serving on various school board advisory committees makes her incredibly qualified for this position. And as an FCPS graduate, she knows our school system inside and out. I look forward to working with her in the near future."

Del. Paul Krizek

VA Delegate, (D-44)

Del. Paul Krizek

VA Delegate, (D-44)

“It is my honor to endorse Abrar Omeish for School Board. Like me, she is a proud graduate of our Fairfax County School system. I know that she will play a key role on the board working for pragmatic solutions to issues. Abrar will fight for teachers and students within Fairfax County and ensure that every community group is heard and brought to the table when making decisions.”

Sen. Chap Petersen

VA Senator, (D-34)

Sen. Chap

VA Senator, (D-34)

“I’m pleased to support Abrar Omeish for an at-large position with the Fairfax County School Board. Abrar is a breath of fresh air. She has an impressive knowledge of our school system and a willingness to speak up on behalf of student groups that are often overlooked. I know that her intelligence and enthusiasm will benefit our children and teachers.”

Del. Kaye Kory

VA Delegate, (D-38)

Del. Kaye Kory

VA Delegate, (D-38)

“As a former School Board Member and as a Delegate, I know that Abrar Omeish will be an important addition to our School Board. She has long been a strong advocate for inclusion and equity in FCPS. We need her voice and vision on our School Board.”

Sen. Adam Ebbin

VA Senator (D-30)

Sen. Adam Ebbin

VA Senator (D-30)

Del. Vivian Watts

VA Delegate, (D-39)

Del. Vivian Watts

VA Delegate, (D-39)


Sen. Jennifer Boysko

VA Senator, (D-33)

Sen. Jennifer

VA Senator, (D-33)

" As a mother and a long time advocate for education, I am proud to endorse Abrar Omeish for Fairfax County School Board. I have been so impressed to watch her campaign and see the way she has engaged students like never before. I know she will bring her passion and expertise within our school system to fight for the leader in every child."

Del. Mark Levine

VA Delegate, (D-45)

Del. Mark Levine

VA Delegate, (D-45)

“I’m pleased to endorse Abrar Omeish for School Board. She has demonstrated a strong willingness to be transparent and responsive, mixing her progressive values with pragmatic solutions to implement the best practices so that every student has the opportunity to access her or his full potential.”


Learn about my platform for FCPS that provides every student with a quality education. 
